Saturday, April 4, 2009

Is it about You or Him?

I love this quote from Donald Miller in Blue Like Jazz.  He says, 
I was a fundamental Christian once. It lasted a summer. I was in that same phase of trying to discipline myself to “behave” as if I loved light and not “behave” as if I loved darkness. I used to get really ticked about preachers who talked too much about grace, because they tempted me to not be disciplined. I figured what people needed was a kick in the butt, and if I failed at godliness it was because those around me weren’t trying hard enough. Blue Like Jazz, 79

I often wonder if people are stuck in the idea that Christianity or their walk with Jesus is just something they do..."if I just try hard enough" or "if I just stay away from those people or those places".  I wonder if we have forgotten that it is all about Jesus and what he has done for us and what the Spirit does in us.  I pray that through this week of remembering His last week, we will understand that it is about Him and not You!

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