Scott made me aware of this video the other day and I want to make you aware of it as well. We often forget that there are people who live like this. I have a three year old daughter and watching this video brings me to tears thinking about my own daughter and what if this was her. But if I understand His kingdom, it should bring me to tears to see a little one living a life like this. So today you have a choice, do you watch this video and say that is really sad and do nothing about it or do you watch this video and try and figure out a way to make a difference.
Shane Claiborne in "Becoming the Answer to Our Prayers" says this,
"Prayer is not so much about convincing God to do what we want God to do as it is about convincing ourselves to do what God wants us to do."
So here are a few ideas:
Sponsor a child through one of these organizations.
Maybe you would even think about volunteering at a local boys or girls club or being a mentor at a local elementary school.
How will you invest in His kingdom? In a day of not having a good return on our investments in the stock market, this is an investment that works!